New Zealand is willing to support and encourage skilled immigration as well as entrepreneurship.

Dedicated immigration route

Smart investors and businesspeople can use their ideas or resources to settle in New Zealand. With your family's best interests in mind, we can advise you on the finest solutions as we specialise in Business and Investment Migration.

Invest in New Zealand for business

Entrepreneurship and investment in our institutions have produced an environment that is suitable for new company ideas to succeed. For knowledgeable investors who will concentrate on business ventures with great export potential, conducting business in New Zealand is the ideal option.

One of the best places in the world for business

New Zealand tops the global rankings for entrepreneurship, according to the 2015 HSBC Expat Explorer survey results. Investing possibilities are very slightly constrained. In addition, the corporation tax rate is relatively low, as evidenced by our ranking as the second most tax competitive country.

New Zealand is ranked second in the world, behind Sweden, for the best nation for doing business. Furthermore, New Zealand's business environment.

New Zealand has established trustworthy trade ties with a number of nations. Australia, China, Taiwan, the United States, South Korea, ASEAN, and the European Union are the nations in question. So, there are countless business chances available to you if you invest in the proper sectors.
h Korea, the ASEAN, and The European Union. So if you invest in the right areas, you will get an endless number of business opportunities.

A superior way of life

The icing on the cake for affluent business people will be a first-rate lifestyle. The largest city in New Zealand, Auckland, has constantly been rated as one of the best places to live. Auckland is a city with a beautiful mountain background as its backbone, offering countless chances for adventure, tourism, and breathtaking beaches.

Every family wants to live in a place where they feel safe, and New Zealand is one of the family-friendliest nations in the world. New Zealand is home to about 5 million people. People from New Zealand are noted for having an open mind. They are also friendly to newcomers and the fresh ideas that emerge in the corporate world.

All types of ideas are catered to by Immigration New Zealand. Yet, the procedure for business visas places more emphasis on entrepreneurship or investment. New Zealand's political system is stable, and its institutions are robust, following the UK model, giving you hope for a better future.