Is There Anybody From New Zealand Who Are Available For The Role?

Will your applicant require a visa?

A temporary visa may already include unrestricted employment privileges for some New Zealand residents. If so, you can hire them without placing an ad locally. This applies to anyone with Working Holiday visas, international students with work authorization, partners of New Zealanders, and people with open-ended work authorization.

The job check

As a complying employer, you must pay your candidates at least market rate, which is the compensation provided within a range that is appropriate given the position's level of responsibility, the employer's size, and the candidate's qualifications (years of experience). Prior to moving forward with a visa application, Accredited Employers may be required to ask Immigration New Zealand for a job check as part of the new employer-led visa procedure. The job title and pay rate will determine whether a job check is necessary, and Immigration New Zealand will require payment.

Multiple positions

It is possible for one job check and one round of advertising to cover many openings for the same role (similar occupation, income, and region). An approved job check is valid for six months or until the expiration of an accreditation (if not renewed).


The job check cost charged by Immigration New Zealand as of 2022 is NZD $610. The cost of a reconsideration request for a rejected job check is $240 NZD.

High salaries

You won't need to advertise the post if the salary is at least twice that of the New Zealand median. Immigration New Zealand has not yet disclosed if there will also be a simplified path to residency for these highly compensated individuals.

Jobs at median wage and above

A labour market test will be required to show that no New Zealanders could be found to fill the post for any other roles, and you must provide at least the median wage.

Advertising requirements

You may need to conduct a job check to see if any qualified New Zealanders are available before offering the position to a foreign worker who requires a work visa.

You must promote the position:

  • A minimum of two weeks
  • In a national job board or any other appropriate kind of promotion that is likely to draw New Zealanders

The advertisement must display:

  • A thorough explanation of the job being given, including the minimum and maximum pay rates, the hours that will be guaranteed, and the location
  • Estimated income (if offered piece rate, commission, or bonuses)
  • Needed minimum education and work history
  • Any additional authorizations or registrations necessary to comply

If you are unable to find a New Zealander to fill the role, Immigration New Zealand will ask for proof of your efforts. This might comprise:

  • Advertising support (screenshots, receipts, etc.)
  • A list of applicants, followed by a shortlist
  • Why locals cannot be trained for the position
  • The efforts of recruiters
  • Responses on the local labour force accessible from the Ministry of Social Development
What does "advertising" evidence entail?

In New Zealand, popular websites like Trademe and Seek are accepted. Also, recruiters contribute. Social media is taken into account, but not as the only source of proof. Furthermore, it's critical that you don't market the position in a way that would deter New Zealand firms from applying, such as with implausible requirements, a meagre wage, or unreasonable work hours.

Can someone receive training for the position?

Immigration New Zealand may decide in some circumstances that it is feasible for a local to be trained for the position open. They could ask for proof of your training regimen, documentation, and plans. Also, you might need to provide evidence that you made an effort to contact pertinent industry associations to inquire about the availability of qualified applicants and get their perspective on the existing labour shortages for particular job categories.