New Zealand Is Open For Business

New Zealand welcomes, encourages, and rewards skilled migration and entrepreneurship

A dedicated Immigration pathway

Savvy entrepreneurs and investors can use their ideas or resources to become New Zealand residents. We are specialists in Business and Investment Migration and can advise on the best options for you and your family.

Do business in New Zealand

Entrepreneurship and investment have been firmly rooted in our institutions, which in turn has created an ideal environment for new business ideas to flourish. Its proximity to Asia also make it an ideal location for savvy investors who will focus on business undertakings with high export potential.

One of the best places in the world for business

A 2015 HSBC Expat Explorer survey rates New Zealand first in the world for ‘entrepreneurship’ and there are very few restrictions on investment options, not to mention a relatively low corporate tax rate as indicated by our 2nd position for tax competitiveness (according to the Tax Foundation’s 2016 International Tax Competitiveness Index (ITCI)).

The business environment is also very stable and we rank just 2nd in the world as the best country for Business, behind Sweden.

New Zealand has trusted trading relations with Australia, China, Taiwan, the USA, South Korea, the ASEAN, and The European Union. This means endless business opportunities if you invest in the right areas. Our expertise is thought after in ICT, the movie industry, biotechnology, agriculture, tourism, and more.

An exceptional lifestyle

A world-class lifestyle will basically be the cherry on the cake for successful business people. Even our largest urban centre, Auckland, consistently ranks in the top tier for its quality of living. And while the beach is never far away, we also live in a place whose backbone is a fantastic mountain backdrop with unlimited opportunities for spots and adventure.

New Zealand is also one of the safest countries in the world for your family to grow in. We have lots of space, and at just around 5 million people, a small, community-oriented population. New Zealanders are open-minded, very welcoming of new people and new idea, which transpires in the business environment.

Immigration New Zealand caters for all kinds of ideas with a business visa system specifically geared towards investment or entrepreneurship. We have a stable political system based on the UK model, and strong institutions, giving you confidence in tomorrow.

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