Accessing the hidden job market through networking

A significant percentage of job openings are never advertised, making it crucial to develop the skill of accessing the 'hidden' job market. One effective approach is through the use of networking platforms like LinkedIn. This powerful tool allows you to connect with potential employers and industry experts in New Zealand. You can reach out to contacts who work in a similar field and inquire about the nature of the job in the country.

The importance of a professional LinkedIn profile

Creating a professional and compelling LinkedIn profile is essential for standing out to employers. As part of our job search assistance, we provide you with a CV that aligns with what New Zealand employers expect. You can use this information to ensure that your LinkedIn profile is consistent and up-to-date. Employers often research candidates online, so any discrepancies could negatively impact your chances.

Maintaining an active LinkedIn presence also enhances your visibility to the job market. This platform serves as a two-way street, connecting candidates with employers. Keep your profile current with any new qualifications, skills, and achievements to avoid missing out on opportunities.

Top Tips for Enhancing Your LinkedIn Profile

Use your headline to grab attention and highlight your skills and experience in one sentence.


In your 'About' section, showcase your skills, areas of expertise, achievements, and what motivates you. This provides potential employers with insight into who you are and what you can offer.


Highlight your previous roles and employers in the experience section. Use this section to showcase examples of your work or achievements by adding links or PDFs. Consider including statistics to further demonstrate your accomplishments, such as sales targets achieved or cost/budget goals attained.


Add your specific qualifications and industry certifications, prioritising those that are most relevant to the industry you want to work in.


Ask for recommendations from your connections. While it may be uncomfortable, recommendations provide valuable insight into your competence and experience. LinkedIn has a section for sending requests to your connections to request recommendations. Choose wisely to obtain positive feedback.

Finally, proofread your profile for spelling and grammar errors before submitting it.