Is it appropriate to follow up on a job application?


Yes, it is appropriate to follow up on your application if you haven't heard back from the employer.


Job searching can be frustrating, and not hearing anything back doesn't necessarily mean your application wasn't successful. However, it's important to be mindful of the closing date and any time frames provided by the employer.

Be mindful of the closing date and timeframes

Most job advertisings will have a closing date. Make sure you note this down when you apply so you don’t follow up too early.

Some employers will send you a courtesy acknowledgement email and may give you an idea of the timeframe you can expect to hear the outcome. Remember to keep an eye on your junk/spam folder, you could be missing out on valuable information!

Give the employer a week or two to evaluate the applications they have received before you reach out again. A follow up phone call or a short friendly email to ask for an update on your application will suffice.

How many interview stages?

If you are invited for an interview, you may have to go through multiple stages. Keep in mind that this procedure will apply to everyone that has been invited and can take some time for the employer to conduct all the interviews. It would be a good idea to ask what the next steps are at your interview and when you are likely to hear from them. You’ll then be able to check in with the employer at the right time. Giving them a call is the quickest way to reach them and ask for an update. Make sure you are professional and respectful no matter the outcome. You can email if you prefer but you might not get an instant answer so try to resist bombarding them with emails while you wait!

Constructive feedback

Getting feedback on your application from employers or recruiters will help you to improve your material. It’s not easy to hear the negative but take it as constructive criticism and learn from it. Again, remember to take any negative comments on board with professionalism. Acknowledging them, even if you don’t necessarily agree. By taking these comments on board and making those adjustments could be the difference in securing the next job!

Job searching can be frustrating, and not hearing anything back doesn't necessarily mean your application wasn't successful. However, it's important to be mindful of the closing date and any time frames provided by the employer.

If the employer hasn't provided any timeframes, give them a week or two to evaluate applications before following up. You can do this via a short, friendly email or phone call to ask for an update on your application. If you are invited for an interview, be prepared for multiple stages and ask what the next steps are and when you can expect to hear from them.

If you do receive feedback on your application, take it as constructive criticism and learn from it. Being professional and respectful in all interactions with the employer, even if you receive negative comments, will leave a good impression and may help you secure future opportunities.

Remember to take any negative comments on board with professionalism