How To Calculate Points For An Expression Of Interest


Do you qualify to get an Expression of Interest selected under the Skilled Migrant Category?


Before you even qualify for points under this category, you must be aware that there are, like for other visas, requirements of:

  • Good health
  • Good character
  • Good English language capabilities
  • Being 55 years old or under

The Points System: How many points can you claim for your Expression of Interest?

The following table details in what areas you can claim points towards the required 160 points threshold. Our Licensed Advisers know policy in and out and they will calculate your points based on the information you provide. At the very top, a job offer will contribute at least 50 points and for the vast majority of applicants this will be the key to being selected. As part of our services we provide job search support and can facilitate your employment in New Zealand.

Skilled Employment
  • Offer of skilled employment in New Zealand or current skilled employment in New Zealand
If points claimed for skilled employment above, then bonus points for that skilled employment being also:
  • In an area of absolute skills shortage (on the LTSSL)
  • In a region outside Auckland
  • Income more than twice the New Zealand median income (currently $97,718 annually or $46.98 per hour)
Work Experience
  • 2 years
  • 4 years
  • 6 years
  • 8 years
  • 10 years
If points claimed for work experience above, then additional bonus points if that work experience was:
  • In New Zealand, for 12 months or more
  • In an area of absolute skills shortage (on the LTSSL)
  • 2 to 5 years
  • 6 years or more
  • Recognised level 4-6 qualification (e.g. trade qualification, diploma)
  • Recognised level 7 or 8 qualification (e.g. bachelor’s degree, bachelor’s degree with honours)
  • Recognised level 9 or 10 post-graduate qualification (Masters degree, Doctorate)
If points claimed for qualifications above, then bonus points if that qualification was also:
  • 2 years of full-time study in New Zealand completing a recognised Bachelor’s degree (level 7) New Zealand qualification
  • 1 year of full-time study in New Zealand completing a recognised post-graduate New Zealand qualification
  • 2 years of full-time study in New Zealand completing a recognised post-graduate New Zealand qualification
Age (20 to 55 years)
  • 20-39
  • 40-44
  • 45-49
  • 50-55
Bonus points for:
  • Partner’s employment or offer of employment
  • Partner’s qualification (either)
  • Recognised Bachelor’s degree or higher
  • Recognised post-graduate (level 9 or higher) qualification

What happens if I do not reach the minimum point score of 160?

You may be eligible for a temporary work visa, which may allow you to work and build experience in New Zealand towards a residence application later. Or there may be another visa/pathway to residence under different instructions. Ask our Licensed Immigration Advisers for a free Assessment. They will provide you with options for your particular situation.

Am I guaranteed selection at 160 points?

Every two weeks Immigration New Zealand selects the Expressions of Interest reaching at least 160 points. If the immigration officer reviewing your file (preliminary verification) is satisfied with your claims, you will be Invited to Apply for Residence (ITA), and therefore submit supporting information (qualifications, transcripts, work references, English certificates, etc.). It may take several months for your file to be reviewed and during this time you may be invited to comment on certain concerns raised about your application or supporting evidence. We as immigration advisers will act on your behalf to iron out any concerns from the outset, and reply to INZ with any questions they may have during the process.