Accredited Employer Work Visa For New Zealand


If you secure employment from a New Zealand company


The Accredited Employer Work Visa is the primary temporary work visa option for those who have secured employment with a New Zealand company. To be eligible, you must have

  • Must have a full-time job offer in New Zealand (at least 30 hours per week)
  • The employer must hold Immigration New Zealand accreditation
  • The employer has made genuine but unsuccessful attempts to find a New Zealander for the position (some waivers apply)
  • Must be qualified for the offered position and paid at or above the NZ median wage ($27.76/hour as at June 2022)
  • Must have an acceptable standard of health and character.

What is the duration of stay allowed in New Zealand?

This visa may be granted for a period ranging from 6 months to 3 years and is renewable. While on this visa, you may also study for up to 3 months per year, or as required by your employer. Depending on your situation, your visa may come with specific conditions, such as restrictions on your occupation, employer, location, or travel.

Can I bring my family with me?

To bring your family with you, they will need to apply separately based on their relationship to you, and the type of visa they may apply for will depend on the salary you are offered. It's important to note that this visa does not permit self-employment. If you're interested in alternative options, such as the Entrepreneur visa, contact us to discuss your options.